Leg Hookers

C'mon eat it you stupid fish.

My dad has always been a guy who was big into pawnshops, a lot of the jobs he had when he was first out of college were referrals from pawnshops for appliance or furnace repairs, He was always, and still is, buying stuff from pawnshop some times he gets great deals on things and is so regular a customer he even has self imposed return policies if he is dissatisfied with a purchase. At one of these pawn shops he purchased a fly tying kit and it had gobs of feathers and string and hooks for making the most delicious looking lures a fish could ever dream of hoping to want. After he brought it home I commandeered it and began tying flies of my own invention at a tremendous pace. I didn't like following the old tried and trues from the recipe book that was in the bottom of the box because I thought it took too long and I could make up my own patterns better anyway. I got really excited about doing it but I wasn't terribly careful with the stuff and at one point I tied a bunch of flies but dropped a hook that got lodged in the carpet. I slid back to get up and use the bathroom when the hook got buried deep in my leg meat. Like I said, I needed to go to the bathroom but it was one of those times that I waited till the last minute because I was so excited about tying flies. I started yelling for help but by the time my mom got to me I had already peed on myself. She rolled me back far enough to cut loose the hook from the carpet and took me to the emergency room where the doctor cut away my pee-pants numbed me up and cut the hook out. All in all a good day, also in several trips we never caught anything on my home recipe flies. Snobby fish wouldn't know quality luring if it hit them in the face.